Negotiation Technique and Tips
    You negotiate every day with customers, suppliers, co-workers, business associates and family.  People want good results in negotiations but don’t want to fall into the destructive patterns that could damage what could be constructive relationships.  An effective negotiation could be achieved by figuring out what motivates the other side and knowing when to put an offer on the table.  If you want to become a powerful negotiator, you need to learn the skills to handle difficult people and protect yourself from having someone take advantage of you! Here are some tips for you:
1. Not to Be Psychologically Manipulated When Negotiating
2. Use If to Increase Your Negotiation Propositions
3. Do You Leak Secret Through Body Language When Negotiating?
4. Try to Get Information from Opposite Side’s Body Language
5. Use Questions Strategically To Go From Despondency To Euphoria
6. Try to perceive Genuine Anger Using Micro Expressions
7. To Control Emotions To Negotiate Successfully
8. To Synchronize Body Language To Negotiate Successfully
9. To Use Negativity In A Negotiation Can Be Positive
10. Do Not Be Too Greedy When Negotiating
11. To Know When To Stop
12. Be Sure that Your Negotiation Position Is Not Double-Edged
13. Watch Your Temper To Preserve Credibility
14. Bodies Talk When Negotiating
15. Use Consistency to Improve Negotiations
    To learn more about the tips above, you may try the Advanced Course on Mediation.

最近更新日期: 2010-12-03
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