Land disputes usually involved complicated arguments among shareholders, management and contractors. The value under dispute could easily reach a hundred millions HK dollars (HKD100m). Mediation of this type could be a long process with numerous mediation meetings which could spanned over years. One of the disputes conducted by mediator of the association was a dispute over a piece of land of value around HKD200millions which was located in Guangzhou. The dispute was among a local Chinese founder of a Hong Kong company which holds the land and several Hong Kong investors who invested on the land subsequently. The dispute spanned over four years and was finally settled by mediation.
You could also email to us your case and we shall reply to you in 24 hours (except holidays). When your email is received in holiday(s), your email will be replied one working day after the holiday(s).
Once an application of appointment of mediator is received, HKPMA shall appoint the best choice of mediator for your case.
Appointment service:(852)2110 0834
10:00am to 6:00pm (Mon to Fri)
email for Appointment:
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